Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm Leavin on a Jet Plane...Well Actually Two....

Well friends, we are down to the final hours...for me the final hour, because I will be in bed soon and hopefully asleep. I say hopefully because I usually go to bed around 1am...and I'll be trying to fall asleep at 9am...because I will be getting up at 2:30am...a mere hour and a half after I usually go to bed.

Anyone else see the difficulty here?

I'm all ONE suitcase and ONE backpack. This is huge for me. If you had taken trips with me in the old youth group days, you would understand why...and I am, of course, being accompanied by my constant traveling companion, Hercule Poirot. 'Cause...he's awesome.
I am so incredibly excited...but at the same time, I'm trying not to think about it too much tonight so that I can sleep...which reminds me that I need to get the coffee pot ready to perk at 2:20....

I had a pretty good last day in the U.S. of A.

Which included eating what turned out to be very American foods. Had breakfast at McDonald's--'cause nothing screams American like McDonald's. Chili Frito Pie for lunch at a diner near my house....and a corn dog for dinner. I seriously did NOT even plan out these meals beforehand guys. It just happened.

Got to talk to some of my favorite people today too....

Got a phone call from my friend, of my absolute favorite Belmont girls! Sadly, though, I missed her call....but we exchanged voicemail messages :)

Texted several of my good friends and wrote to several more on facebook...I love you all very much and will miss you...and will of course have lunch with you all when I get back :)

Got to hang out with one of my bestest friends ever for several hours...which included eating lunch...I am so glad I got to see Lisa Farrel before I headed off to Costa Rica! Too bad she won't still be here when I get back :)

Also, my parents deserve an XXL have been awesome in helping me get ready for this trip in 5 short days!! Love y'all :)

And so...that is all for now...tomorrow at this time, I will be far far away in Costa Rica!!!!! I am so incredibly blessed and thankful!! God is truly an amazing God and I can't wait to share Him and His love over the next seven days!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous of you!! Aaahhhh!! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!
